Mrs. Panesko's 5th Grade Class

Learning in order to Keep Moving Forward.

Camp Waskowitz… what to know for Tuesday


We are off to camp on Tuesday, hurrah!  If you have not already, take the time to check review your What to Take checklist, pack your bags and remember to label your belongings, just to be safe.  Keep in mind that the weather may not be sunny and warm, so it is your responsibility to come prepared.  Some way to do this are:

  • Bring a rain coat!  If you don’t have one a rain poncho is great or even a large garbage bag.  I can show you how to punch holes in it to make your very own camp fashion statement (but you’ll be dry).
  • Dress in layers.  This way, if the weather changes while we’re out an about, you can add or remove layers to keep yourself comfortable.  Several layers can also keep you warmer by trapping warm air to insulate you (really, there’s science in it!).
  • If you have wool clothing, bring it!  When cotton gets wet it looses all ability to keep you warm.  Other fabrics, like wool and silk, will continue to keep you warm even if it’s soaking wet.   
  • Hats and gl0ves!  Your body looses a large amount of heat through the head. One way to keep this heat in you, is by wearing a warm hat (if you have a wool hat, bring it).  You may also be needing your fingers for writing or outdoor data gathering.  Gloves or mittens will keep your hands warm until you need them.
  • Bring LOTS of socks and extra shoes – Nothing warms you up like begin able to put on a dry pair of socks and shoes.  Bring extra so you can change midday if you need to.  Socks (clean ones!) can also serve as mittens in a pinch. 

A few more things to help you be prepared for Tuesday, April 19, are:

  • Bring a disposable sack lunch for Tuesday.  They will not feed lunch, if you’d like to eat, bring your own. 
  • Label your belongings!  You’ll be in a cabin with students who are not even from our school district and your things WILL get mixed up.  To avoid “trading” with all your new found friends, please label your stuff. 
  • Arrive between 9:40and 9:50 on Tuesday – We begin loading the bus around 10 AM and we need everyone accounted for by then.
  • Make sure you have a ride home at 12:00 PM (noon) on Friday! 
  • Regardless of the weather, we’ll have a fabulous time.  I look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Tuesday for a week of Outdoor School at Camp Waskowitz
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April 2011




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