Mrs. Panesko's 5th Grade Class

Learning in order to Keep Moving Forward.

Field Trip to The Nutcracker This Friday


It is finally time for our trip to the Pacific Northwest Ballet for The Nutcracker.  We are scheduled to leave at 9:30 on Friday morning.  Please arrive in the classroom by 9:10. Chaperones should arrive at this time too.  We will all travel by bus to the Seattle Center where the Ballet is located.  Upon arrival we will eat our lunches at the Center House now call The Armory.  The production begins at 12:00.  We will immediately get back to the buses when the performance finishes and travel back to the school arriving between 3:15 and 3:30.  Since this is an Early Release day, we will be back after the buses, and you will need to have made arrangements for your child to be picked up.  Lunches should be completely disposable.  Students should be dresses for the theater, but for the weather also.  I would strongly discourage shorts for the boys.  Keep in mind, it could be very wet or very cold.

In the case that we have a snow event, and we have late start, we still plan to go, but will leave immediately when we get to school.  We have a bit of experience with this from last year when we had a flooding late start on the day of our performance.  If we have this happen, we will eat on the bus and go directly to the theater when we arrive at the Seattle Center.  I will keep you informed of any updates I receive from the district on this issue. Thank you for your patience. 

I look forward to seeing you on Friday!

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December 2016




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